Time between two dates

How much time is between two dates?

Get information regarding how much time passed between two dates. You can get this information in years, months, weeks, days, hours, and seconds.

You can check how many days are until Christmas or until your birthday. You can also verify how many days have been since you lived.

Calculate time

Using this tool you can see multiple time calculations on your dates:

  • Number of weeks between dates
  • Days between dates: you can calculate calendar days
  • Ages between two years
  • Weeks between dates
  • Years between dates
  • How many weeks are in 10 months
  • You can see how many days have passed since birth

Frequently asked questions

  1. What are the most popular dates?

    The most popular dates that users calculate are this:

    1. Born Date - Current Day
    2. Current Day - Christmas Day
    3. Present Day - First Day of the Next Month
  2. The seconds and minutes for the current day are considered?

    No, you can get information about seconds and minutes until the current day.