Random Name Generator

Name generator

We search for the most popular baby's names in the last decades, and we create a list with last and first names for you. You can pick up to 1000 names in a single round. This list contains both male and female first names. You can get first names, surnames, or full names. All names are from countries where English is the primary language.

This list contains popular names like Bob and Marry, but you will also find names like Rees and Pogue. The sources of the names are the public databases from the United States.

Frequently asked questions

  1. How many full names do you have?

    There are almost 1 million names, so the change to get the same name in a generation is pretty low.

  2. Is it free?

    Yes, it's 100% free to use.

  3. There is an API available?

    Yes, register for an API key and read the documentation.