Generate SHA256 Hash

Include salt

What is the SHA256 hash generator?

SHA256 is currently the most recommended cryptographic algorithm for hashing. It is considered the successor of MD5 because it's widely used for storing secrets. It was published in 2001 and since then nobody has found a collision.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What are the steps for SHA256 Hasher?

    The steps are similar for all hash function:

    1. Enter your text
    2. Optional: Select the checkbox to include salt and specify the salt or use the default value
    3. Select the get hash button
    4. Optional: Register to use our free REST API to get the hash in JSON
  2. What does SHA256 stand for?

    It stands for Secure Hash Algorithm on 256 bits.

  3. What's the difference between hashing and encryption?

    The biggest difference is that hashing is a one-way function and encryption can be two ways. This means that from the result of hashing, you cannot get the initial value, so it's irreversible. Encryption can be decrypted.

  4. What is salt?

    The salt is a sequence of random characters combined with the initial password and the result is hashed. This is a more secure way to store passwords because the hacker cannot use the dictionary method to crack the hashes.

    For example, if a user's password is 123456, using a random salt will secure his passwords from a dictionary attack because password hash is different using salt than without salt.

  5. Is it safe to use?

    Yes, but use it with salt. It avoids more secure against brute force attacks and rainbow tables.

  6. Can someone decrypt it?

    No, this hash function can't be decrypted. The process is irreversible. However, many hackers use rainbow tables and dictionaries to break the hash. It would be best if you considered salting your password to prevent those types of attacks.

  7. Is it free?

    Yes, it's 100% free to use.

  8. There is an API available?

    Yes, register for an API key and read the documentation.